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The fun and exciting times of the Shuman Subdivision!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Plum tuckerd

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There should be a color called "Sedona Sky" - it would be *that* blue.

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Our last day in AZ - breakfast!

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Us @ The Grand Canyon

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The Grand Canyon.

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Too funny looking NOT to post.

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Sedona sunset look-out point

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Sedona sunset

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Beautiful shopping plaza.

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Enoying a big bed on his own at the hotel.

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Trolley we took around.

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Quin doesn't like the heat. Period.

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Cathedral Rock

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Us at the top of the Catheral Rock

I should be getting paid for pics this good.

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You can never get tired of looking at these.

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Our Winter home....

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I assure you this is not a scanned postcard, I'm just *that* good.

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Quickly realized Quin only enjoys bears in pictures

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Here.....lizzzzard, lizzzzzard

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Cousins & a Painted Pig.

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Cooling down from the heat.

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Sedona: blue skies, red rock, and great shops!

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More Sedona

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