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The fun and exciting times of the Shuman Subdivision!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Enjoying Ohio weather - Jan. 19, 2007!

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This time with Igor....

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First time out in the snow - loved every second of it!

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Snow angel?

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Trying to catch snowflakes on his tongue!

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Igor being a wuss!

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Pink nosed & loving it.

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Can't get enough snow!

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Grinning from ear-to-ear!

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Me & Quin w/ Lisa & Mira!

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Lumber Quin.

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Boy time.

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Copy cat.

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Quin & Braden - NYE! (12/31/06)

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Quin's first trip to Chuck E. Cheese - 12/28/06 w/ Virginia and family!

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Lucie & Quin - how cute are they!??

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Not a big fan of Barney. (Yeah!)

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His first "amusement ride"!

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Quin & Virginia!

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Quin & Bob.

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Quin & Chuck.

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Saturday, January 06, 2007

Christmas afternoon - best of buds! Posted by Picasa

Hop on Pop. Posted by Picasa