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The fun and exciting times of the Shuman Subdivision!

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Christmas Eve. at the Stutler's! Posted by Picasa

Quin & Grandpa Stutler! Posted by Picasa

Super excited over the "Sit & Spin". Posted by Picasa

New Spiderman slippers! Posted by Picasa

Quin & Buzz! Posted by Picasa

Opening more! Posted by Picasa

Quin's in there somewhere! Posted by Picasa

LOVED Uncle Jay's remote truck! Posted by Picasa

We hosted the Shuman Christmas at our house this year - here we all are! (Including Igor.) Posted by Picasa

Kenny, Braden, and Quin - watching for "Nemo". Posted by Picasa

"The kids" - Dec. 23, 2006 Posted by Picasa

A rare photo - all the Shuman boys! (And Igor.) Posted by Picasa

So interested in his fish light! Posted by Picasa

He loves his new Fridge DJ! Posted by Picasa

Chillin' with the big kids! Posted by Picasa

So snug-a-lee in his new Spiderman hooded towel!! Posted by Picasa

Enjoying Jen's present!! Posted by Picasa

Amy gave Igor the gift of snowmen fashion and savory dog biscuits! Posted by Picasa

Quin feeding Igor! Posted by Picasa

Giving me the thumbs-up! Posted by Picasa

Chipmunk cheeks! Posted by Picasa

Quin's enjoyment of a Stutler sugar cookie! Posted by Picasa

The beginning of Quin's first haircut! (He did really well!) Posted by Picasa

Our greaser! Posted by Picasa

Igor wanting to see what was always!! Posted by Picasa