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The fun and exciting times of the Shuman Subdivision!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Our bad-arse kid!!! Posted by Picasa

Enjoying "Mr. Pickles"! Posted by Picasa

Monday, November 13, 2006

This is Quin *last* November!! I like to put pictures up, every once in awhile, to show how much he's's insane how quickly he's growing up! (Check out the lack of hair!!) Posted by Picasa

The Shuman Subdivision! Posted by Picasa

US! Posted by Picasa

Mason getting a pile ready for Quin! Posted by Picasa

Our amazing son! Posted by Picasa

Loves the leaves! Posted by Picasa

Our little stick-collector! Posted by Picasa

The approach... Posted by Picasa

The jump! Posted by Picasa

A not-so-bright-look.... Posted by Picasa

The tumble. Posted by Picasa

The recovery. Posted by Picasa

"Talking" Posted by Picasa

Watching a plan go by.... Posted by Picasa

A brisk Fall afternoon! Posted by Picasa

Handfuls of fun! Posted by Picasa

Traveling through the leaves! Posted by Picasa

"Where'd his head go!?" Posted by Picasa

Quin's first view of a turtle! Posted by Picasa

I can tell he was very tempted with the stick to poke the turtle - he didn't though! Posted by Picasa

Quin enjoying his birthday present from Michelle & Jay - so cute! Posted by Picasa