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The fun and exciting times of the Shuman Subdivision!

Monday, October 30, 2006

"Elvis"... from the movie "Bubba Ho-Tep". (See below for our Halloween costumes this year!) Posted by Picasa

Bubba Ho-Tep  Posted by Picasa

Kim & Mason - Halloween 2006 Posted by Picasa

Unsure Quin. Posted by Picasa

Close up. Posted by Picasa

Daiven & Quin at the "Boo at the Zoo" - Oct. 29, 2006 Posted by Picasa

Quin's cousin, Daiven....the cutest monkey at the Zoo! Posted by Picasa

Our QP - the cutest Yoda in the the whole galaxy! Posted by Picasa

Checkin' out the Zoo critters together! Posted by Picasa

Photo op at the Zoo. Posted by Picasa

Pit stop at the Zoo. Posted by Picasa

"The Thinker" Posted by Picasa

"The Claw" Posted by Picasa

Have you ever seen a cuter Yoda!? Posted by Picasa

The end of the Boo at the Zoo - our family! Posted by Picasa

Halloween outfit turns to "play clothes" real quick! Posted by Picasa

Playing in the leaves for the first time!! Posted by Picasa

Poking things w/ sticks. Posted by Picasa

Igor sitting w/ QP. Posted by Picasa

Overall cuteness. Haa...haaa....get it!?? Posted by Picasa

Thursday, October 26, 2006

"Do I have to hold this smile much longer?!" Posted by Picasa

"So mom gives me some of her margarita....big deal." (Kidding of course!) Posted by Picasa

Running around in our leaves! Posted by Picasa

Quin & Igor - both sniffing out the same tree!? Posted by Picasa

Quin + stick in hand = happy little man! Posted by Picasa