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The fun and exciting times of the Shuman Subdivision!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

My little man. Posted by Picasa

Yes - that is a cat cleaning a dogs ears! Posted by Picasa

Loves these beads - getting ready for Mardi Gras! Posted by Picasa

Loves his new PJ's too! Posted by Picasa

Quin and Kim's day at the park - it was a perfect afternoon! Posted by Picasa

Fistfulls of mulch. Posted by Picasa

Quin's ball + dirt = happiness! Posted by Picasa

Fun in the park! Posted by Picasa

Look how tall! Posted by Picasa

Throwing mulch around and loving it! Posted by Picasa

Simply loves playing in mulch. Posted by Picasa

"Give me five!" Posted by Picasa

My new favorite picture. *sigh* Posted by Picasa

Touchdown! Posted by Picasa

CHEEKS! Posted by Picasa

Look at them choppers! Posted by Picasa

My boy. Posted by Picasa

Plum Creek Park in Kent. Posted by Picasa

Our closest "beach"! Posted by Picasa

Enjoying ever-single grain of sand! Posted by Picasa

Quin found a caterpillar on his own and brought it over to me. Posted by Picasa

Gently gives it to my open hand. Posted by Picasa

Just wanted to get rid of it because it was sticking to his hand. Posted by Picasa

Watching it crawl around.... Posted by Picasa

Doesn't know what to make of it just yet. Posted by Picasa