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The fun and exciting times of the Shuman Subdivision!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Quin & cousin Hannah playing with her cat! Posted by Picasa

My guys! Posted by Picasa

Ya....cause Mason wearing these shades wasn't bad enough! Posted by Picasa

"This way......" Posted by Picasa

Not a huge fan of walking on grass! Posted by Picasa

Got the hang of it! Posted by Picasa

Our little Music Man! Posted by Picasa

The beginning of the Star Wars Exhibit at Cosi - Columbus, OH! Posted by Picasa

Who wouldn't want one of these!?? Posted by Picasa

"Poo-Teenie" Posted by Picasa

Storm Trooper and a "Mini-Me" one next to him. Posted by Picasa

Costumes from Stars Wars Episode III Posted by Picasa

Weapons of Star Wars! Posted by Picasa

"Judge me by my size, do you?" Posted by Picasa

"Yoda. You seek Yoda!" Posted by Picasa

Twins!? Posted by Picasa

"Look at this!" Posted by Picasa

Yoda watching over QP. (Needless to say - this is my new fave pic!) Posted by Picasa

Remarkable! Posted by Picasa

Bad pic but you can get the idea. Posted by Picasa

Best Buds! Posted by Picasa

The detail was amazing! Posted by Picasa

I want this! Posted by Picasa

I guess me standing with my camera up to my face wasn't enough for this lady! Argh!! Posted by Picasa

"You're my only hope!" Posted by Picasa