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The fun and exciting times of the Shuman Subdivision!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Pure beautiful affection. Posted by Picasa

Profile of a mohawked-angel Posted by Picasa

More of the Snugglebug & The Pug Posted by Picasa

Pulling himself on Igor! Posted by Picasa

I mean really - shouldn't I be getting paid for him being this cute!?? Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Getting ready to hit the trails on Mother's Day - hiking at Brandywine Falls. Posted by Picasa

My family on Mother's Day! Posted by Picasa

Powerful little sucker! Posted by Picasa

Top of the trail - overlooking Brandywine Falls. Posted by Picasa

My boys! Posted by Picasa

Mason taking a moment to enjoy the scenery....and to be a dork! Posted by Picasa

Brandywine Falls Posted by Picasa

Quin enjoying nature! Posted by Picasa

Mason & Quin hiking over the river! Posted by Picasa

My first Mother's Day! Posted by Picasa

Aunt Michelle & Quin playing on Mother's Day at Grandma Stutler's. Posted by Picasa

Igor was curled up next to the Pug picture - wasn't quick enough to capture! Posted by Picasa

The cats being sane and cute! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Quin in his room! Posted by Picasa

Quin's room! Posted by Picasa

New prints in Quin's room! Posted by Picasa

Hammin' it up! Posted by Picasa

Caught playing when he's supposed to be napping! Posted by Picasa

"Uncle" Amy always let him chew on her sweatshirt string!  Posted by Picasa

Quin & "Uncle" Wade - Cinco de Mayo! Posted by Picasa