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The fun and exciting times of the Shuman Subdivision!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Igor was happy to help out with anything that hit the floor! Posted by Picasa

He was "talking" up a storm here!  Posted by Picasa

Our little monkey! Posted by Picasa

Putting peas in his hair. Posted by Picasa

They just hang out - until I pull them out! Posted by Picasa

They actually *stay* in his hair! Posted by Picasa

Pasta was on the menu. Posted by Picasa

Here you can see some of his battle wounds from being so mobile these days! Posted by Picasa

He's on to the sippy cups! Posted by Picasa

Now he's just showing off! Posted by Picasa

I *had* to post this picture because Igor looks like a Demon! Yikers. Posted by Picasa

Still can't get enough close-ups! Posted by Picasa

So happy together..... Posted by Picasa

Reaching for the cam! Posted by Picasa

Getting a tongue bath from Igor! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Trying to grab the ball w/ his monkey toes! Posted by Picasa

Look @ that deep concentration! Posted by Picasa

"Oh my!" Posted by Picasa

Both lying on our sides. Posted by Picasa

Monday, April 17, 2006

I wish I could write a whole story on this *one* picture. He got so sick of me trying to keep this on his head and take a picture that he finally just left it on, put his hands down, and looked away from me. It was like he was so shameful and just wanted the whole thing to be over. It's a shame for him that there is a picture left to remind him someday! Posted by Picasa

He'll get the hang of it soon! Posted by Picasa

New swing at Grandma & Grandpa Stutlers! Posted by Picasa

Piglet is always his fave! Posted by Picasa

Winnie-the-Pooh bowling set from Aunt Dee and Uncle Dan! Posted by Picasa

He was so excited about this - although it looks like he's mad here! Posted by Picasa