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The fun and exciting times of the Shuman Subdivision!

Monday, January 30, 2006

Trying to crawl! Posted by Picasa

Good times, good times. Posted by Picasa

Having sweet dreams..... Posted by Picasa

"Are you talkin' to me!?" Posted by Picasa

Rosey cheeked Posted by Picasa

The *perfect* lazy Sunday afternoon! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Petey takes light abuse from Quin in his jumper lying here! Posted by Picasa

Payback! Posted by Picasa

Too adorable NOT to post this! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Harmonica Toast Posted by Picasa

:) Posted by Picasa

Loves holding his own food! Posted by Picasa

Quin + food = Quin very happy! Posted by Picasa

All done! Posted by Picasa

The other hand helping get it in there! Posted by Picasa

Breadcumbs found everywhere! Posted by Picasa

Innocent beauty Posted by Picasa

Enjoying his teething toast! Posted by Picasa

Quin can clap!!!!! Posted by Picasa

Grabbing the camera! Posted by Picasa

Quin's Toronado (Zorro's horse)
 Posted by Picasa

Contact w/ the beast! Posted by Picasa

Jumped on Igor's back in the bouncer!! Posted by Picasa

Quin's new face that I'm not sure about!! Posted by Picasa

The snarled lip - in reverse! Posted by Picasa